PS Plus Extra Leaving Trophies: How Hard Are They to Earn?

Are you ready to tackle the challenge of earning the PS Plus Extra leaving trophies before they disappear? In this article, we'll break down the difficulty level of these trophies and provide recommendations on which games to focus on. Whether you're a seasoned trophy hunter or just starting out, we've got you covered. Let's dive in!

PS Plus Extra Leaving Trophies: A Breakdown of Difficulty

Explore the difficulty level of earning the PS Plus Extra leaving trophies before they're gone.

PS Plus Extra Leaving Trophies: How Hard Are They to Earn? - 2107551966

When it comes to earning the PS Plus Extra leaving trophies, it's important to understand the level of difficulty involved. Perplexity and burstiness are two factors that determine the complexity and variations in the trophy lists.

Perplexity measures the complexity of the text, while burstiness compares the variations of sentences. Human writers tend to have greater burstiness, incorporating longer and more complex sentences alongside shorter ones. However, AI-generated sentences often lack this variation.

In this article, we'll dive into the difficulty ratings for each trophy list leaving PS Plus in December 2023. Let's see how hard it is to earn these platinum trophies before they're gone!

Recommended Games for Easy Platinum Trophies

Discover the PS5 and PS4 games that offer manageable difficulty levels for earning platinum trophies.

If you're looking for some quick and easy platinum trophies, we've got you covered. While most of the games leaving PS Plus in December 2023 are lengthy titles, there are a few that offer a manageable level of difficulty.

Foreclosed: A Snackable Platinum Trophy

If you're short on time, Foreclosed is the perfect game to focus on. This brisk cover shooter with a cool comic book art style offers a platinum trophy that is neither too difficult nor too time-consuming.

Middle-Earth Shadow of Mordor: A Mid-Sized Platinum Trophy

If you have a long weekend free, consider diving into Middle-Earth Shadow of Mordor. With manageable action, a contained amount of side activities, and a brisk story, this game provides a mid-sized platinum trophy to add to your collection.

These games offer a good balance of challenge and achievable platinum trophies. Give them a try before they leave PS Plus!

Games to Avoid for Trophy Hunters

Learn which games to steer clear of if you're a dedicated trophy hunter.

While there are several games leaving PS Plus in December 2023, not all of them are ideal for trophy hunters. Here are a few titles you might want to skip:

Friday the 13th The Game: An Unobtainable Platinum Trophy

Unfortunately, Friday the 13th The Game has an unobtainable PS4 platinum trophy. If you're focused on earning platinum trophies, it's best to avoid this title.

Damascus Gear: No Platinum Trophy

Although Damascus Gear is a fun game, it doesn't offer a platinum trophy for you to earn. If you're specifically aiming for platinum trophies, you might want to pass on this one.

Yakuza Like a Dragon: A Lengthy Journey

Yakuza Like a Dragon is an excellent game, but with a required playtime of over 80 hours, it's not the best choice if you're short on time. The stress of trying to clear this game before it leaves PS Plus might not be worth it for your health.

Consider these recommendations and avoid any unnecessary frustration on your trophy hunting journey!

Make the Most of Your PS Plus Experience

Get tips on maximizing your PS Plus subscription and making the most of the available platinum trophies.

While earning platinum trophies is a rewarding experience, it's important to make the most of your PS Plus subscription. Here are a few tips to enhance your gaming journey:

Explore Other Games on PS Plus

If none of the trophy lists mentioned appeal to you, don't worry! There are plenty of other games available on PS Plus. Make sure to check our unobtainable PS Plus platinum trophies guide to avoid wasting your precious trophy hunting time.

Engage with the Community

Join the conversation and share your trophy hunting experiences with the PS Plus community. You might discover new games to try or receive valuable tips from fellow gamers.

Set Realistic Goals

Remember to set realistic goals for yourself. Don't push yourself too hard or sacrifice your well-being for the sake of earning platinum trophies. Enjoy the journey and have fun!

By following these tips, you can maximize your PS Plus experience and make the most of the available platinum trophies.

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