The Disconnect Between Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom

In the lead-up to the launch of Tears of the Kingdom, the highly anticipated sequel to Breath of the Wild, fans expected a deeper connection between the two games. However, the lack of continuity becomes evident as we explore the disappearance of Sheikah technology and missed storytelling opportunities. Join us as we delve into the intriguing world of Tears of the Kingdom and uncover the reasons behind this disconnect.

The Disconnected Storyline

Explore the lack of continuity between Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom.

Despite being a direct sequel, Tears of the Kingdom fails to establish a strong connection to its predecessor, Breath of the Wild. The story takes place several years after the events of the first game, but beyond returning characters and the shared setting of Hyrule, there is little that ties the two together.

One of the most glaring instances of this disconnect is the disappearance of Guardians and Divine Beasts. These iconic elements from Breath of the Wild are nowhere to be found in Tears of the Kingdom, leaving players wondering what happened to them. The lack of explanation for their absence raises questions about the believability of the game world.

While it makes sense from a gameplay perspective to focus on Zonai technology instead of Sheikah tech, the abrupt removal of the Guardians and Divine Beasts without any in-game explanation feels like a missed opportunity for storytelling. The developers could have explored the dismantling of Sheikah technology or the fear of another calamity, but instead, they simply vanished.

The Mystery of Sheikah Technology

Uncover the unexplained disappearance of Sheikah technology in Tears of the Kingdom.

According to the director of Tears of the Kingdom, Hidemaro Fujibayashi, the Sheikah technology simply 'disappeared' from the game world. This explanation, while convenient from a gameplay standpoint, raises more questions than answers.

One of the inconsistencies in this explanation is the presence of a non-functioning Guardian on the roof of the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab. If the Sheikah technology truly disappeared, why does this Guardian remain? It seems inconsistent with the overall narrative and leaves players wondering about the true fate of Sheikah technology.

Furthermore, the lack of curiosity or exploration from the citizens of Hyrule regarding the disappearance of Sheikah technology feels unrealistic. In a world filled with mysterious events and strange phenomena, it is hard to believe that no one has tried to investigate or uncover the truth behind the vanishing technology.

Missed Storytelling Opportunities

Discover the missed opportunities for storytelling in Tears of the Kingdom.

Tears of the Kingdom had the potential to expand on the lore and storytelling established in Breath of the Wild, but it falls short in this aspect. The lack of continuity and missed opportunities for storytelling are evident throughout the game.

For example, the construction site in Tarrey Town, built on what used to be a field of Guardians, could have been an opportunity to explore the disappearance of Sheikah technology. A side quest or NPC interactions could have provided hints or small clues about what happened to the Guardians and Divine Beasts.

Additionally, the absence of Kass, a beloved character from Breath of the Wild, without any explanation or acknowledgment in Tears of the Kingdom leaves players wondering about his fate. These missed storytelling opportunities contribute to the overall disconnect between the two games.


The lack of continuity between Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom is evident throughout the game. The disappearance of Sheikah technology without a proper explanation and the missed opportunities for storytelling leave players questioning the connection between the two games. While Tears of the Kingdom offers a new and exciting experience, it falls short in establishing a strong link to its predecessor.


Why did the Guardians and Divine Beasts disappear in Tears of the Kingdom?

The game does not provide a clear explanation for the disappearance of Guardians and Divine Beasts. They are simply absent from the game world without any in-game explanation.

Why didn't the citizens of Hyrule investigate the disappearance of Sheikah technology?

According to the director of Tears of the Kingdom, the citizens of Hyrule are accustomed to mysterious events and strange phenomena, so they did not feel the need to explore the disappearance of Sheikah technology. However, this lack of curiosity feels unrealistic and leaves players wanting more.

What happened to Kass in Tears of the Kingdom?

Kass, a beloved character from Breath of the Wild, does not make an appearance in Tears of the Kingdom. His absence is not explained or acknowledged in the game, leaving players wondering about his fate.

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