The Impact of DJ Christie: Empowering Women Through Music

In the electrifying atmosphere of a Quinnipiac volleyball game, amidst the sounds of play and cheers, there's the vibrant music of DJ Christie. Known professionally as DJ Christie, Christie Colon's presence as the DJ for the Quinnipiac women's volleyball team goes beyond just live music. She empowers the team, fosters personal connections, and creates an environment of support. Let's delve into her journey and the positive impact she brings to the court.

DJ Christie: Bringing Energy to the Volleyball Court

Discover how DJ Christie's high-energy mixes create an electrifying atmosphere during Quinnipiac volleyball games.

When it comes to Quinnipiac volleyball games, one thing is certain - the energy is palpable. Amidst the sound of feet shuffling, plays being called out, and the sharp hit of a ball, there's DJ Christie, filling the court with her high-energy mixes. Her music sets the tone, creating an electrifying atmosphere that keeps the crowd engaged and the players pumped.

With her carefully curated playlist, DJ Christie ensures that there's never a dull moment. From popular hits to reggaeton beats, she knows how to keep the energy levels high and the crowd on their feet. Her mixes not only entertain but also inspire the players, creating an environment that fuels their performance.

Empowering Women Through Music

Learn how DJ Christie's presence empowers the Quinnipiac women's volleyball team both on and off the court.

DJ Christie's role goes beyond just playing music. She is a source of empowerment for the Quinnipiac women's volleyball team. Coach Kyle Robinson recognized the importance of having strong, female role models around the team, and DJ Christie fits the bill perfectly.

Not only does DJ Christie bring energy to the games, but she also fosters personal connections with the players. She takes the time to get to know each player individually, understanding their musical preferences and creating a playlist that motivates and inspires them. Her support and dedication make the players feel valued and empowered.

Creating a Diverse and Supportive Environment

Explore how DJ Christie's diverse music choices and personal connections contribute to a supportive environment for the volleyball team.

One of the unique aspects of DJ Christie's role is her ability to cater to the diverse backgrounds of the players. With team members from different countries like Turkey, Italy, and Brazil, DJ Christie makes an effort to include music that resonates with each player's cultural background.

By creating a diverse and inclusive playlist, DJ Christie fosters a sense of belonging and support within the team. The players appreciate her efforts to make them feel at home and motivated. It's not just about the music; it's about creating an environment where everyone feels valued and included.

The Impact of DJ Christie: Personal Connections and Lasting Memories

Discover the emotional impact DJ Christie has on the players and the lasting memories she helps create.

The relationships DJ Christie has built with the volleyball team go beyond the music. From day one, she has made personal connections with the players, following them on social media and getting to know them individually. Her genuine care and support have left a lasting impression on the players.

At the team's senior day, the emotional connection between DJ Christie and the players was evident. Senior middle blocker Lexi Morse expressed her gratitude for DJ Christie's presence and the pep talk she received before the game. DJ Christie's impact goes beyond the court; she has become an integral part of the team's journey and their cherished memories.

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