The Walking Dead: Destinies - A Hilariously Terrible Game

I remember hearing about The Walking Dead: Destinies, a game with the concept of altering major events in TWD history. However, the end result is just... hilariously terrible. From clunky combat to glitchy cutscenes, this game fails to deliver. Join me as we explore the shortcomings of The Walking Dead: Destinies and the missed potential of the franchise.

The Concept of Altering TWD History

Explore the intriguing concept of altering major events in The Walking Dead history.

The Walking Dead: Destinies promised players the ability to alter major events in TWD history, allowing them to see how the story would unfold with different outcomes. This concept sparked curiosity and excitement among fans of the franchise.

Imagine if Shane had killed Rick instead of the other way around. What would have happened? How would the story have played out? These were the questions that intrigued fans and drew them towards this game.

Disappointing Development Studio

Discover the skepticism surrounding the development studio behind The Walking Dead: Destinies.

Flux Games, the studio behind The Walking Dead: Destinies, was relatively unknown to many gamers. With only a few obscure titles under their belt, including two Cobra Kai games, their lack of experience raised doubts about their ability to deliver a high-quality game.

As players delved into The Walking Dead: Destinies, it became apparent that the game fell short of expectations. The clunky combat mechanics and glitchy cutscenes were just a few examples of the game's disappointing development.

Hilariously Terrible Gameplay

Uncover the hilariously terrible gameplay of The Walking Dead: Destinies.

The gameplay of The Walking Dead: Destinies can only be described as hilariously terrible. The combat mechanics are clunky and extremely goofy, leaving players frustrated and amused at the same time.

Moreover, the cutscenes in the game are lackluster, with character models simply standing in place. This creates a jarring and unengaging experience for players, further adding to the game's hilariously terrible nature.

Missed Potential of the Franchise

Reflect on the missed potential of The Walking Dead franchise in the gaming space.

The Walking Dead franchise had immense potential for a AAA budgeted open-world game that could rival titles like Fallout or The Division. Imagine building up communities, defending against zombies, raiders, and cannibals.

Unfortunately, this potential was never fully realized. Apart from a few standout games like Telltale's Walking Dead series and The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners, the franchise has seen numerous failed attempts by studios ill-equipped to handle its IP.

The release of The Walking Dead: Destinies only further cements the mishandling of the franchise in the gaming space. It's a missed opportunity that leaves fans longing for a game that truly captures the essence of The Walking Dead.

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